Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog, today’s blog will be on my teen life which includes my experience with going through secondary school from year 7 to year 11 and even through sixth form as well. I will telling you on the ups and downs that I went through from having a hard time with my studies including maths and physical education into falling in love with music and how it grew from that point onwards.
My life in secondary school was pretty much like a roller coaster, there are so many ups and downs in life, from getting bullied at school truly based on my appearance and mocking me on a diagnosis in sixth form to gaining qualifications and even receiving great achievements both academically and in training too (stay tuned for my kickboxing journey blog ?) and many other experiences that happened to me during my time in secondary school and in sixth form.
From day 1 of secondary school, it was great and nerve wrecking, due to the transformation going from primary school to secondary school as well as being a nightmare, due to moving from one lesson into the next lesson along with being punctual for that particular lesson for every subject (talk about running around like a bunch of chickens ?) it got even harder for me when it reached up to mathematics and PE, due to the fact that I struggled on working out the equations and questions being provided from the textbook in maths.
As for PE, I didn’t feel like I blended in with the group and I even got bullied from being in PE, because in year 9, these two girls right next to me were talking about my appearance saying that I look like a man and were also calling me fat as well and the bulling on my physique didn’t stop there, other students have continued to pick on me on how I look like and I still managed to do well on my studies and I even out studied on some of the students (Ha what goes around, comes around ?)
During my time in secondary school, I discovered my love of music and even ended up taking vocal lessons in a weekly basis since year 8 and I’ve learned so much from my vocals lessons, from expanding my notes to exercising my vocal cords and learning the breathing techniques being provided by the singing teacher at school. By the time I reached up to year 9, my vocals were getting better and I even learned to sing some songs that were provided in the vocal lessons at school.
My love of music grew even more when I started to learn to play the electric guitar when I was in year 10, thanks to the inspiration of Santana, System of a down, Korn and Nirvana. I was doing well on learning the cords and notes on the guitar and I loved it even since. ?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my teen life blog. Please stay tuned for the next post which will be continuing my teen life, don’t forget to leave a comment below on my blog and spread the word out about my blog too. ???